'Check me out on other platforms! http://www.linktr.ee/austininchina --- With Trevor James, AKA \"The Food Ranger\"! Great guy, great channel! We chow down on all kinds of ridiculous Chuan Cai, as the locals call the food here in Chengdu. This is real Sichuan food, and I love it! Check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/thefoodranger Want a little Food Ranger BTS? A little Food Ranger behind the scenes? This is your chance! Hahaha \"What To Do?\" Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letusshowyou Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letchinasleep2 Twitter: @LetChinaSleep 我的微博:@懒惰老外 My old blog: http://www.austinguidryexperiencingchina.blogspot.com Sichuan Food | Epic Chengdu Feast w/The Food Ranger! Food Ranger BTS'
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